Due to its properties radar is an important part of the sensor environment ofmodern cars. This tutorial will give an overview of the function of automotive
radar. This includes some theory about detection and estimation of target
parameters, the principle of operation, hardware components (like the antenna)
and signal processing. Due to the increasing number of cars equipped with
radar interference between the sensors is already becoming an important topic.
The tutorial will be concluded by a look into the possible future of
automotive radar.
Zeitraum | 4 Nov. 2019 |
Ereignistitel | 8th International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo |
Veranstaltungstyp | Konferenz |
Ort | Graz, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen |
Verbundene Inhalte
GAZELE - Generierung eines Radar-Echos aus synthetischen Szenarien für automotive Applikationen
Projekt: Forschungsprojekt