Aktivität: Vortrag oder Präsentation › Invited talk bei Konferenz oder Fachtagung › Science to science
With the EU Council Recommendation on Micro-Credentials, the European Union has laid an important foundation for the future development of micro-credentials and thus for lifelong learning and professional development in Europe. The Recommendation seeks to support the development, implementation and recognition of micro-credentials across institutions, businesses, sectors and borders by setting common European standards. In this Empower webinar week, EADTU will put the European approach to micro-credentials in context. It will look at various national responses to the Council Recommendation, how universities and QA agencies plan to deal with micro-credentials and what the perspectives and preferences are of learners and employers. The aim of the event is to share expertise and help European institutions in taking important steps towards high quality, recognized micro-credentials. In this session the current situation of the austrian MOOC platform iMooX.at and micro-credentials is presented.