

For the period of 2000 - 2002, Prof. Leberl is Chairman of the Sudienkommission to develop a new curriculum for the academic program for Telematik. For the period 2000 - 2004, the Commission III for Theory and Algorithms of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is under the direction of Prof. Leberl. Short Description: The Institute was started in October 1992 to cover computer graphics and computer vision in education and research at Graz University of Technology, an area that was new to the University at the time. Focal points are 3D-object reconstruction, 3D medical image analysis, robotic and industrial vision, augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D visualization and 3D objects on the Internet. Applications range from the Virtual Habitat with buildings and urban ensembles via manufacturing and medicine to environmental remote sensing with satellites and airborne sensors. A civil service staff of 11 scientific and 4 support positions forms the hard core, augmented by a considerable but variable number of additional staff supported by "soft money" through contracts with industry, administrative bodies and research grants.


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  • 2nd Best Poster Prize

    Urschler, M. (Empfänger/-in), Balint, Z. (Empfänger/-in), Douschan, P. (Empfänger/-in), Kovacs, G. (Empfänger/-in), Pienn, M. (Empfänger/-in), Olschewski, H. (Empfänger/-in), Payer, C. (Empfänger/-in) & Olschewski, A. (Empfänger/-in), 15 Okt. 2015

    Auszeichnung: Preise / Medaillen / Ehrungen

  • 2nd Best Presentation Award

    Prutsch, A. (Empfänger/-in), Pepe, A. (Empfänger/-in) & Egger, J. (Empfänger/-in), 2020

    Auszeichnung: Preise / Medaillen / Ehrungen

  • 2nd Best SCCG 2007 Presentation Award

    Grabner, M. (Empfänger/-in), 28 Apr. 2007

    Auszeichnung: Preise / Medaillen / Ehrungen