

PSM wants to offer excellent education to all of our students: All lecturers have the motivation to support students on the way to their professional careers. We are active in research in our specific fields, these are Production Management and Social Economics. Results are worked out in reports, publications and dissertations. We are an active member of the Frank-Stronach-Institute (FSI) at the Graz University of Technology: Our work is realized in cooperation with the other member-institutes. We are an open institution which is part of a continuously growing network outside our university: This network includes institutions of other universities as wellas company partners. We want to strengthen the position of the Graz University of Technology in international aspects: We are internationally oriented and welcome students and partners from all over the world. The lectures are offered mainly by lectures from the industry what means that they bring their practical experience to all PSM Students, all teaching is done in english language! Offered Lectures are: Leadership and Motivation Teambuilding Production Strategies Quality Management Management Topics in Automotive Industry Warehouse Logistics Operational Risk Management Successfactors in Management Safety and Sustainability Career Management Change Management Marketing in Automotive Business Product Innovation Management Kurzbeschreibung: We are an institution, which is responsible for the study programme PSM: Our challenge is the continuous improvement of the quality in order to attract the best students of our university.


Ergründen Sie die Forschungsthemen, in denen Arbeitsgruppe Production Science and Management (3711) aktiv ist. Diese Themenbezeichnungen stammen aus den Arbeiten der Mitglieder dieser Organisation. Zusammen bilden sie einen einzigartigen Fingerprint.