On the theoretical side, the research of the CD-laboratory
mainly focuses on applying methods from nonlinear
optimization and matrix analysis to discrete optimization
problems. In this way, new effective algorithms for finding
exact or approximate solutions to large-scale 0-1
optimization problems are developped and compared to
classical approaches. Very promising results have been
obtained for quadratic 0-1 programming problems, in
particular for the max cut problem and the graph
partitioning, and to some extent also for the notoriously
hard quadratic assignment problem. On the practical side,
the CD-laboratory puts its great expertise in modelling and
solving discrete optimization problems from practice at
the disposal of the Austrian industry. The main focus is on
cutting problems in steel industry.
Status | Abgeschlossen |
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende | 1/07/92 → 31/12/97 |
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