Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Systems consist of Transponder (so called smart labels) and the Transaction Station (readers). They permit contactless reading and writing between the units in order to identify, track and trace the objects to which the Transponders are applied. Nowadays Identification Systems are working on different standards and technologies - each offering advantages and disadvantages. The frequency of the RF carrier used to transmit energy and to send and receive data via the contactless link between Transponder and Transaction Station is the distinguishing parameter. Our goal is to research for the first time the technical basis for a "Comprehensive Transponder System (CTS)" which can be operated at several frequency domains simultanously. Scientific advantages well above current state of the art is needed for a) the concepts for multilingual RFID Transponder systems b) Multi-frequency interoperable antenna solutions, or c) solving and impendance match challenges. We have to electronically-funnel more than four antenna leads into a single IC input pair. CTS will pave the way for a globally fitting communication system able to exchange data all over the world. An ultra low power RFID prototype with a "Multi-Standard Communication Unit" working at both 13.56 MHz-HF and 868/915 MHz-UHF is forseen in the project.
Status | Abgeschlossen |
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende | 1/01/06 → 31/03/08 |
Erkunden Sie die Forschungsthemen, die von diesem Projekt angesprochen werden. Diese Bezeichnungen werden den ihnen zugrunde liegenden Bewilligungen/Fördermitteln entsprechend generiert. Zusammen bilden sie einen einzigartigen Fingerprint.