The objective of this EU-funded FP6 Network of Excellence (NoE, IST2002507382) is to foster the integration of technology into the acquisition, processing, presentation, and archival of Europes unique asset, its rich Cultural Heritage (CH).
Epoch stimulates the cross-fertilization between humanities
and technology by integrating about 100 research teams at a European level, and aims at creating a joint research infrastructure of this inherently interdisciplinary field. The goal is to create a holistic approach to CH dissemination, to spread excellence, and to provide a training framework, in order to raise EU's citizens awareness towards their rich Cultural Heritage. This is an important step forward in order to create a common European identity that includes all European countries.
Status | Abgeschlossen |
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende | 15/03/04 → 31/03/08 |
Erkunden Sie die Forschungsthemen, die von diesem Projekt angesprochen werden. Diese Bezeichnungen werden den ihnen zugrunde liegenden Bewilligungen/Fördermitteln entsprechend generiert. Zusammen bilden sie einen einzigartigen Fingerprint.