The aim of this project is to develop an effective general
approach to solve discrete optimization problems arising in
manufacturing and in computer systems. Typical applications
include real-time multiprocessor computer systems,
production scheduling and VLSI layout synthesis. In a first
step, suitable mathematical models need to be developped for
the considered applications. In the second step, the focus
is on developping efficient algorithms for the exact or
approximate solution of the optimization problems resulting
from the modelling process in the first phase. It is a major
goal of this project to bridge the gap between the
theory-oriented approach which stresses worst-case analysis
and the application-oriented approach which focuses on
heuristic methods without bothering about the quality of the
resulting solutions.
Status | Abgeschlossen |
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende | 1/11/97 → 31/10/00 |
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