Multimedia-Methods for Application of Multisensor Remote Sensing Data for Environmental Tasks

  • Kalliany, Rainer (Teilnehmer (Co-Investigator))

Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



Interactive multimedia, based on computer networks, may be of great benefit for many disciplines. That is in specific true for remote sensing (earth observation), where daily a large amount of image-data is collected over the entire globe. By multimedia, the most recent satellite data and associated meta-information is available to every potential user. Within this project, key services and tools are implemented, in order to keep the Austrian user community up-to-date and to support them on the fast developing international market. Another goal is performed in cooperation with the "Environmental Planning" division at Austrian Research Centers / Seibersdorf: By merging multisensoral (radar/optical) and multitemporal data, new methods for monitoring agricultural sites are being developed.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/01/9631/01/98


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