RFID technologies experienced a strong dissemination in many different applications within the las few years. Especially HF-technologies (bases on 13.56 MHz carrier frequency) were successful in high volume applications for identification in access- and passort- control, for ticketing in public transport systems and for object identification in manufacturing- and logistics- systems. New application possibilities like brand protection, high speed bulk of goods detection, multi media data transfer, etc. are pushing the demand for increased performance of the contactless linking technology of RFID systems. Todays HF-RFID Products are standardised in ISO 14443 and/or ISO 18000 where baud rates up to 848 kBd are specified. Discussions about new high speed standards have started in ISO working groups to cope with the demand for higher data- and detection- rates. Multilevel ASK and PSK have been proposed but are still far away from a realisation which fulfils requested performance, regulations and acceptable product costs. The 13.56 MHz ISM band which is used in HF-RFID systems has a very narrow defined bandwidth for the carrier frequency and very low levels defined for sidebands which is contradictory to higher data- and detection- rates. With ReadRF we follow the need to develop and evaluate innovative model and coding schemes. New modulation and coding prototype realisations for extensive real life testing and characterisation. Besides performance and compilance the prototype realisation also has to demonstrate feasibility of very high degree of monolithic integration for transponder ICs as well as transaction (reader) devices. Joint efforts in the areas of RF, Reader-, Transponder-, and Networksystem- Research and Development are necessary to push into a new generation of High Performance RFID, linking technology which enables a bundle of new very high volume applications in the contactless identification business.
Status | Abgeschlossen |
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende | 1/03/07 → 30/06/09 |
Erkunden Sie die Forschungsthemen, die von diesem Projekt angesprochen werden. Diese Bezeichnungen werden den ihnen zugrunde liegenden Bewilligungen/Fördermitteln entsprechend generiert. Zusammen bilden sie einen einzigartigen Fingerprint.