Rock Mechanics Laboratory Testing

Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



Rock mechanics laboratory tests contribute to understanding the behavior of the rock mass. The mechanical parameters of joints and intact rock are of utmost importance in geotechnics. Knowledge about mechanical properties of single rock specimens is of course just a part to realize global rock mass behavior. The correct interpretation of test results depends on the quantity and especially on the quality of the laboratory tests. The aim of laboratory tests is to get as much information about the rock properties as possible. Servo controlled test systems with the possibility of creating variable control modes allow new types of test procedures, adjusted to the specific problem, to be performed. These are for instance self controlled multiple failure state tests or stiffness controlled tests. Our equipment in the laboratory is on the state of art. Intact rock properties are mainly determined in uniaxial or triaxial tests. Joints or soft rock samples, where it is difficult or impossible to obtain drilling cores, it is often possible to cut off a block which can be tested with our direct shear testing system. For this reason the mechanical properties of joints and soft rocks can be determined and be studied for different boundary conditions. Input parameters for geotechnical calculations and computer programs (e.g. finite- or distinct element method) can be determined in an effective way.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/12/92 → …


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