S2S - A Gateway for Plant and Process Safety

Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



The fact that there are already a number of existing networks addressing the topic of process and plant safety is a good starting point. To strengthen the outcome of these they can be benifitially co-ordinated. Therefore S2S (Safety to Safety), which will establish a Gateway for Plant and Process Safety, is a common initiative of several networks and its members to get some co-ordinated activities off the ground. The objectives of this initiative on process and plant safety are: - To create a European Research area; - To combine the knowledge available in the different networks and countries; - To be the electronic references point and the web portal; - To document and up-date the competence and state of the knowledge; - To offer safety guidelines and training activities especially for SMEs.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/10/0231/10/03


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