Semi Comp+ - Valorisation Action of Plastic Member Capacity of Semi-Compact Steel Sections a more Economic Design

Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



The objective of this project is the dissemination of knowledge gained through the former European research project SEMI-COMP on semi-compact steel sections. The obtained results demonstrated substantial reserves in load-carrying capacity, which so far cannot be utilized by a designer using Eurocode 3. Considering increasing use of high-strength steel grades, the problem becomes more severe. For the purpose of dissemination, the conclusions of SEMI-COMP will be transformed into a comprehensive European Design Guideline for the correct assessment of the load-carrying capacity of semi-compact members, including an electronic Design-Tool. With seminars knowledge and guideline spread to designers, consulting engineers and authorities.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/07/1031/03/12


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