Three Dimensional Color Flow Mapping for the Detection and Assessment of Breast Cancer

  • Zagar, Bernhard (Teilnehmer (Co-Investigator))

    Projekt: Arbeitsgebiet



    The overall purpose of this project is to develop and examine the feasibility of a new ultrasonic flow detection system for the purpose of detecting breast cancer lesions in the human female population. The system is aimed to detect low velocity flow in small vessels with high resolution both in time and velocity, and map these vessels in three dimensions. While usual processing strategies of ultrasound Doppler signals will effectively differentiate higher velocities from the surrounding tissue, a very sensitive strategy is required to detect and map slow flow through small vessels. It is believed that the proposed detection strategy is the key to effective assessment of the vasculature surrounding small tumors. The incidence of breast cancer in the general population ranges from 0.23% in the thirty to thirty-five year age group to 1.07% in the fourty to fourty-five year age group up to 2% in the general population. It is the most common cancer in women and it is now the leading cause of death in women between 40 to 50. There has been little progress in new treatment of the disease, so the hope for survival greatly remains dependent upon early discovery of small or minimal cancers. For tumors less than 5 mm in diameter, the 20 year actuarial survival rate is about 95%. In addition, prognosis at all levels of discovery is related to the size of the primary lesion in the sense that the smaller the tumor the better the prognosis. In s...(this text has been cut automatically)
    Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/01/9431/01/01


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