V2me combines real life and virtual social network elements to prevent and overcome loneliness in Europe's aging populations. Its overall goal is to enhance the joy of life of the network members. To fulfill this goal V2me supports active aging by increased integration in the society through the provision of advanced social connectedness and social network services and activities. V2me implements this goal by
a flexible assistive living solution to prevent loneliness with particular emphasis on acceptance by senior end users. Rooted in scientific theory and research, it uses evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies to develop a social facilitator that enables both prevention of loneliness in young-old individuals (65-74 years) and successful intervention in older generations (75+ years). V2me is encouraging older people to continue in participating in the society, to share their knowledge and experiences, to stay mobile and cognitively agile. As an intelligent combination of off-the-shelf and innovative technology (hardware and software) hiding behind a simple, user friendly interface, V2me presents itself as a coach with two distinct functions:
(1) mediating relationships by supporting contact with other users from existing kin, friends, and professional networks, and potential new communication partners (enriching social networks).
(2) V2me itself also interacts with the user in an adaptive personalised way to establish a parasocial relationship (as an additional contribution to preventing loneliness).
Status | Abgeschlossen |
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende | 1/05/10 → 30/04/13 |
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