A New Massless Leaf Spring Model and Its Application in the Simulation of Heavy Commercial Vehicles

Gabor Müller, Nicolas Geiger, Stefan Waser, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Thomas Ille, Roland Zander

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in einem KonferenzbandBegutachtung


Due to robustness, low cost and high reliability, leaf springs are still widely used as suspension components for heavy commercial vehicles. The leaf spring in this field of application has to meet two demands: suspension of the vehicle and support of the axle. The deformation of the leaf spring has an influence on the axle kinematics and as a result on the dynamics of the whole vehicle [1]. Therefore this deformation has to be taken into account.
Commercial MBS software packages provide a model approach using beam elements [2]. This approach has proven to be accurate but induces numerical stiff differential equations and a large number of degrees of freedom, which are an obvious disadvantage in terms of stability and computation time. This is particularly penalising in the early stages of the vehicle development, as a large amount of simulation runs are generally needed in order to optimise the suspension layout. To address this trade-off, this paper introduces an approach that models the deformation accurately, but neglecting mass and therefore the dynamics of the leaf spring itself
TitelIAVSD - 22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Track
Herausgeber (Verlag) Manchester Metropolitan University
ISBN (elektronisch)9781905476596
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2011
Veranstaltung22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks: IAVSD 2011 - Manchester, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich
Dauer: 14 Aug. 201119 Aug. 2011


Konferenz22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks
KurztitelIAVSD 2011
Land/GebietGroßbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich

Fields of Expertise

  • Mobility & Production

Treatment code (Nähere Zuordnung)

  • Application
  • Theoretical


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