Determination of Humidity in Oil Impregnated Cellulose Insulation Systems

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in einem KonferenzbandBegutachtung


The lifetime of oil impregnated insulation systems is strongly dependant to the mechanical
strength of the cellulose molecules. Water accelerates the degradation of the paper insulation. For this reason the humidity in oil and oil impregnated cellulose insulation systems of power transformers is an essential factor for accelerated aging. Therefore the determination of the water content in the liquid and solid insulation is of high interest for lifetime assessment. In this paper the focus is laid on the different methods for the determination of humidity. Chemical as well as physical and dielectric methods were compared and the results of laboratory tests and tests at distribution transformers were discussed
TitelInternational Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2009
Veranstaltung2009 International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management - Cavtat, Kroatien
Dauer: 12 Nov. 200914 Nov. 2009


Konferenz2009 International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management


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