Determination of Shear Modulus by means of standardized four-point Bending Tests

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in einem KonferenzbandBegutachtung


According to EN 408, the shear modulus can be determined by means of two standardized test
methods, i.e. the single span method and the variable span method. In the last few years, two
further methods, namely torsion tests and ‘shear field’ tests, have been developed and are now also
performed in testing practice. The latter is based on a relatively simple and reproducible
measurement of the shear distortion by means of standardized four-point bending tests according to
EN 408. The measuring instruments are applied within the areas of constant transverse force. They
are arranged symmetrically with respect to the neutral axis, which results in four ‘shear fields’
under investigation (left-right, front-back).
The practical results, gained from performing standardized test methods, torsion tests as well as the
measurement of shear distortion within ‘shear fields’ on glued laminated timber beams (GLT) of
strength classes GL24h (wg / d g = 150 / 320 mm), as already published by Brandner et al. (2007),
are outlined, discussed and completed by current tests on GL36h and GL36c (wg / d g = 160 / 600
mm). Furthermore, the relation of the shear modulus and the GLT-strength class, in comparison
with solid timber, is treated.
Torsion tests are simple, robust and do not require expensive equipment, but they only provide the
shear modulus G090,tor. This method is proposed for the determination of G-values on specimens of
small cross sections and for obtaining G-values for solid timber. With the measurement of shear
distortion by the application of ‘shear fields’ on specimens tested in four-point bending according
to EN 408 not only the standard values E m,l , E m,g and fm can be determined, but it allows also an
easy, affordable and robust determination of the material characteristic G-modulus. The ‘shear
field’ test method is proposed and approved for GLT with dg ≥ 300 mm. A proposal for the
consideration of both methods within the testing standard EN 408 is presented.
Herausgeber (Verlag).
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2008
VeranstaltungInternational Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, Working Commission W18 - Timber Structures, Meeting - St. Andrews-by-the-sea, Kanada
Dauer: 24 Aug. 200828 Aug. 2008


KonferenzInternational Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, Working Commission W18 - Timber Structures, Meeting
OrtSt. Andrews-by-the-sea

Treatment code (Nähere Zuordnung)

  • Application
  • Theoretical
  • Experimental


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