Developing a digital twin for acoustic analysis of vibroacoustic sound emissions due to flow-induced sound generation

Andreas Wurzinger*, Stefan Schoder

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragAbstract


Acoustic emissions play a major role in the usability of many product categories, including medical products like a human knee prosthesis. Therefore, mitigating the emitted sound directly at the source is paramount to improve usability and customer satisfaction. To reliably predict acoustic emissions, numerical methods such as the computational fluid dynamics, finite element method, and boundary element method in combination with experimental investigations are employed on subcomponents. The established models form a digital twin of a human knee prosthesis, which allows for predicting the vibroacoustic emission into the free field due to flow-induced sound generation. This acoustic digital twin aims to analyze acoustic source hot spots inside the physical product for improvements. We show the setup of this acoustic effects simulation platform and present selected results discussing a realistic walking cycle.
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/In Druck - 2025
Veranstaltung51. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAS/DAGA 2025 - Copenhagen, Dänemark
Dauer: 17 März 202520 März 2025


Konferenz51. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAS/DAGA 2025


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