Evaluation of Partial Discharge Impulses with Optical Conventional Systems

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in einem KonferenzbandBegutachtung


The dielectric condition of the insulation of high voltage equipment can be derived from partial
discharge (PD) measurements. The aim is the detection of destruction in the electrical insulation. In the working field of the technical diagnostics are looked for alternatives to the conventional partial discharge measuring techniques for detection and localization.
In a research project a special fibre-optic cable is used as a receiver unit which collects the emitted optical radiation caused by partial discharges. An optical system for PD detection consisting of a fluorescent fibre-optic cable, a photomultiplier and an amplifier unit is developed. By the signal processing unit the measured signal is digitized and sent to a data processing unit. Simultaneous a conventional measurement of the partial discharge activity is applied with the aim to compare the electrical and optical impulses.
The special attention of this paper is to evaluate the different signal response (amplitude and pulse shape) of both detection systems. The conventional measuring equipment is bandwidth limited and so an information loss is present when the impulse frequency is higher than the upper band limit. With the help of a fast optical system a width band detection system is possible
TitelProceedings of the 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2005, Beijing, China, August 25 - 28, 2005
Herausgeber (Verlag)Tsinghua University Press
ISBN (elektronisch)7894947792
ISBN (Print)9787302015819
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2005
Veranstaltung14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering: ISH 2005 - Peking, China
Dauer: 25 Aug. 200529 Aug. 2005


Konferenz14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering
KurztitelISH 2005


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