Fundamental Investigation of Wave Propagation inside IC-Striplines upon Excitation with Hertzian Dipole Moments

Dominik Kreindl*, Thomas Bauernfeind, Bernhard Weiss, Christian Stockreiter, Suresh Kumar Yenumula, Bhuvnesh Narayanan, Manfred Kaltenbacher

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


To characterize the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of integrated circuits (ICs), especially the radiated emissions in the near field, transversal electromagnetic cell (TEM cell) or IC-stripline measurements (IEC 61967) are utilized. Due to the ongoing miniaturization and the increasing operating frequencies, accurate EMC characterization of ICs is becoming more important to achieve first-time-right designs. In order to avoid expensive redesigns, the prediction of these measurements in terms of a simulation workflow would be of high interest. Because of the high computational burden needed to conduct 3D full-wave finite element (FEM) simulations of both the device under test (DUT) and the measurement system, an equivalent representation of the DUT by means of analytical incident fields, such as Hertzian dipole moments, can be considered. In order to develop an order-reduced model of this kind, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the coupling and wave propagation effects inside the measurement systems. In the present paper, a fundamental investigation of the coupling paths between an IC-stripline and electric or magnetic dipole moments is presented and the results are compared to the existing analytical models. The results show that these analytical models, originally developed for TEM cells, are only partially valid for IC-striplines. It has also been shown that even for simple test structures, such as loop and monopole antennas, the representation in terms of one single dipole moment is insufficient.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 10 Aug. 2022


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