Lower magnetic field measurement limit of the coupled dark state magnetometer

Michaela Ellmeier, Alexander Betzler, Christoph Amtmann, Andreas Pollinger, Christian Hagen, Irmgard Jernej, Martín Agú, Werner Magnes, Laurentius Windholz, Michele Dougherty, Patrick Brown, Roland Lammegger*

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


The Coupled Dark State Magnetometer (CDSM) is an optically pumped magnetometer. For the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer mission, the CDSM and two fluxgate magnetometers are combined in the J-MAG instrument to measure the static and low frequency magnetic field in the Jupiter system. During certain calibration manoeuvres, the CDSM has to be able to measure magnetic field strengths down to 100 nT with an accuracy of 0.2 nT ( 1 σ ). At such low magnetic fields, the CDSM’s operational parameters must be carefully selected to obtain narrow resonance structures. Otherwise, the coupled dark state resonances, used for the magnetic field detection in different instrument modes, overlap and result in a systematic error. The overlap of the resonances and therefore the systematic error mainly depends on the resonance line width and the selected modulation frequencies for the detection of the resonances. We show that a line width of less than 200 Hz and selecting a modulation frequency of about the resonance line width are beneficial at magnetic field strengths B < 1.5 μ T. In this paper we demonstrate that with the found instrument settings the CDSM is able to measure magnetic field strengths below 100 nT with a systematic error less than 0.2 nT resulting from the overlap of the resonances.

FachzeitschriftMeasurement Science and Technology
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Nov. 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Instrumentierung
  • Ingenieurwesen (sonstige)
  • Angewandte Mathematik

Fields of Expertise

  • Advanced Materials Science


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