Mechanical behavior of in-situ alloyed Ti6Al4V(ELI)-3 at.% Cu lattice structures manufactured by laser powder bed fusion and designed for implant applications

A.M. Vilardell, A. Takezawa, A. du Plessis, N. Takata, P. Krakhmalev, M. Kobashi, Mihaela Albu, Gerald Kothleitner, I. Yadroitsava

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


In the present study, cellular lattice structures for implant applications are reported for the first-time incorporatingcopper directly by in-situ alloying in the laser powder bed fusion process. The aim to incorporate 3 at.% Cuinto Ti6Al4V(ELI) is selected for improved antibacterial properties while maintaining appropriate mechanicalproperties. Previously, topologically optimized Ti6Al4V(ELI) lattice structures were successfully designed,manufactured and studied for implant applications. The development of a new alloy produced by in-situ alloyingof elemental powder mixture of Ti6Al4V(ELI) and pure Cu powders was used here for the production of identicallattice structures with improved antibacterial properties. One of the same as-designed CAD models was used forthe manufacturing of these lattices compared to previous work on pure Ti6Al4V(ELI) lattices, making directcomparison of mechanical properties possible. Similar manufacturability highlights the applicability of thisalloying technique to other lattice designs. Microstructural characterization was performed by optical andelectron microscopies, as well as microCT. Mechanical characterization was performed by means of compressiontests and hardness measurements. Results showed that in-situ alloying with copper leads to the formation oflocalized Cu-rich regions, refinement of martensitic phase and the formation of CuTi2 intermetallic precipitates,which increased the hardness and strength of the material. Deviations in wall thickness between the as-designedand as-manufactured lattices led to anisotropy of the mechanical properties of the lattices. Higher compressivestrength values were obtained when thicker walls were oriented along the loading direction. Nevertheless,alloying with Cu had a higher impact on the compressive strength of lattice structure than the wall thicknessdeviations. The direct in-situ alloying of copper in Ti6Al4V(ELI) is a promising route for direct manufacturing ofantibacterial implants.
FachzeitschriftJournal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Jan. 2021

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Allgemeine Materialwissenschaften
  • Werkstoffmechanik
  • Biomedizintechnik
  • Biomaterialien

Fields of Expertise

  • Advanced Materials Science

Treatment code (Nähere Zuordnung)

  • Basic - Fundamental (Grundlagenforschung)


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