Risk minimisation for autonomous shuttles in suburban environments based on virtual validation

Patrick Weißensteiner, Georg Stettinger, Karin Tieber, Daniel Watzenig, Karl Rehrl

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPaperBegutachtung


In recent years autonomous shuttles have been deployed worldwide. Currently, autonomous shuttle trials rely on safety operators monitoring the environment and intervening in critical situations. One of the next steps is to operate shuttles with remote human supervision only, which will require an extensive
safety procedure before deployment. Using virtual validation for risk minimisation is an effort to address the current lack of resilient arguments regarding the safety case needed for autonomous shuttle
deployment. In this paper, a virtual validation architecture specifically designed to assess autonomous shuttle deployments is proposed. A knowledge-based approach towards scenario generation was used, integrating safety-related key performance indicators for evaluation purposes. The executed test cases
for a specific left-turn manoeuvre of the shuttle show the importance of correct vehicle orientation in critical situations. This research contributes towards a verifiable risk minimisation by virtually validated shuttle trajectories, taking location-specific static infrastructure into account.
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/In Druck - 2021
Veranstaltung27th ITS World Congress Hamburg - Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland
Dauer: 11 Okt. 202115 Okt. 2021


Konferenz27th ITS World Congress Hamburg


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