Projects per year
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ETB Flex - Tests to determine the physical and mechanical properties of "Flex GLT" in accordance to EAD 130801-00-0304
Ringhofer, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/12/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research project
FoundPlateOptPunch - Holistic optimization of the punching shear verification of foundation slabs
Sever, Y. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/11/24 → 31/10/27
Project: Research project
PSI - Parking Space Insights
Fellendorf, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/24 → 30/03/26
Project: Research project
KW Staning - Hydraulic model test KW Staning
Schneider, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/24 → 30/09/25
Project: Research project
HEATbucket - Underground heat storage facilities to improve the CO2 balance and decentralisation of the heat supply in urban areas
Rebhan, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/24 → 30/09/27
Project: Research project
INNOVATOUR - Demand-oriented tourism mobility requirements through Steering sustainable data innovations
Cik, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/09/24 → 28/02/27
Project: Research project
FWF - 3D - Ton - Myzell - Digitally fabricated loam and mycellium-based clay composites
Stavric, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Hippler, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Project: Research project
ENB Traunfall - Hydraulic Investigations Approach Flow and Dissipation
Richter, W. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/08/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research project
ASTRA - Design process for sustainable concrete
Steindl, F. R. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Juhart, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/07/24 → 31/03/27
Project: Research project
Surge - Optimizing of surge
Schneider, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/07/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research project
Lehmbau 2.0 - Earthern building of the future - The art of craftsmanship based on engineering approaches
Lienhart, W. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Freytag, B. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Trummer, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/07/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Research project
RaBaDü - Influencing factors and test methods for corrosion of older edge beam dowels
Rebhan, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/06/24 → 31/05/26
Project: Research project
aapbMLslide - Analytical approach and physics-based machine learning approaches to model slow-moving landslides
Marte, R. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/06/24 → 31/05/26
Project: Research project
GreenInfraStructures - CO2-optimised and resource-efficient white tanks, tunnel shells and structural components for civil engineering
Schlicke, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Freytag, B. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Juhart, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/06/24 → 31/05/27
Project: Research project
Agile Tragwerksplanung - Resource-efficient construction with concrete due to agile structural design on the overall 3D model
Ober, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/06/24 → 31/05/25
Project: Research project
MORICE - Maintenance and Operation of Road and rail Infrastructure subjected to Climate change Effects
Rebhan, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Geisler, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Reinprecht, V. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/05/24 → 30/04/27
Project: Research project
resilientRAIN - Nature-based solutions for an adaptive water balance in rainwater management
Muschalla, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
15/04/24 → 28/02/25
Project: Research project
Ultra-Beam - Ultra-Beam Subsitution of Delta Beam
Freytag, B. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Research project
SG4SSI - Sensor Grid for Soil-Structure-Interaction
Schleicher, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/04/24 → 30/03/26
Project: Research project
RETFORST - Retention, storage and drainage of rainwater in and along forest roads
Muschalla, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
15/03/24 → 30/11/25
Project: Research project
HWE Morning Glory Wurtenalm - HWE Morning Glory
Richter, W. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
4/03/24 → 31/03/25
Project: Research project
CARA - Climate change adaptation through flood-reducing agriculture
Schneider, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Bickel, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/03/24 → 28/02/27
Project: Research project
Speicherdeckel - Solar storage systems south
Krüger, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/03/24 → 30/06/26
Project: Research project
IoT4SHM - Wireless sensor systems for structural monitoring
Krüger, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/02/24 → 31/07/25
Project: Research project
WeirMixnitz - Weir Mixnitz - hydraulic model test
Zenz, G. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/02/24 → 1/02/25
Project: Research project
GAIA - Water demand of green infrastructure and its medium/long-term impact on drinking water supply
Stelzl, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Arbesser-Rastburg, G. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Schwab, E. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Kudaya, F. S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Fuchs-Hanusch, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/24 → 30/06/26
Project: Research project
Sohlstufe Lehen - Physical model test sediment transport Salzach
Schneider, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
12/12/23 → 29/12/25
Project: Research project
HF23-095_ReacTim - Thermally agile building planning in timber construction
Ferk, H. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/12/23 → 30/04/26
Project: Research project
Rohbaustollen Angath - Line 30201/10104 / National Border - Wörgl / Wörgl - Innsbruck 4 - track extension Schaftenau - Radfeld - Construction lot T4.2 Angath roughwork tunnel Rock mechanical and mineralogical-petrographic laboratory investigations
Frühwirt, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Rebhan, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Latal, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
15/11/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research project
Business travel Prof. H. Kainz
Muschalla, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
14/11/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Research project
MultiMoFusion - Multiple mobility data fusion & enrichment for demand-orientated mobility use cases
Fellendorf, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
6/11/23 → 5/11/26
Project: Research project
SeRWas - Secure Resilient Water Management
Muschalla, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Saukh, O. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Römer, K. U. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Petrovic, K. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/11/23 → 30/11/25
Project: Research project
rethink_LTprocessing - Process combination of peeling and sawing of large diameter roundwood: Peeled Boards for yield-optimized timber construction products
Brandner, R. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/23 → 30/09/26
Project: Research project
ERJU-FA3WP16 - Railway uperstructure demonstrators
Pospischil, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Research project
WAMOS - Wave Monitoring System based on GNSS/INS Integration
Zenz, G. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Berglez, P. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Schneider, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Research project
QualitySysVillab - Ensuring sustainable qualities in neighbourhood developments through process control and new digital methods
Schlicke, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Mach, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Hochenauer, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Edtmayer, H. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/23 → 30/09/26
Project: Research project
Övvvi - Sustainability through public transport: avoid, shift, improve
Fellendorf, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Research project
FWF - WiN - Waste to alkali-activated binders
Vallazza-Grengg, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Rudic, O. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/09/23 → 31/08/26
Project: Research project
Kantigkeit - Evaluation of the angularity and roughness of railway ballast
Pospischil, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/07/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Research project
RaIL - Rail and Infrastructure Laboratory
Pospischil, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/07/23 → 31/05/26
Project: Research project
Green BIM 2 - Green Information Modelling and Operation: Transforming the Green Sector through Digitalisation
Hafellner, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/06/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research project
Sys.Wood - System optimisation in Austrian timber construction
Mauerhofer, G. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Dengg, E. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/03/23 → 28/02/26
Project: Research project
BitKOIN - CO2-reduced binders through thermochemical conversion of residue combinations containing mineral wool waste
Juhart, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Dietzel, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Steiner, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/03/23 → 28/02/26
Project: Research project
MeteoR - Mechanical-thermochemical process combinations for the recycling of fine fractions from waste treatment facilities
Vallazza-Grengg, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Mittermayr, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Steiner, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/03/23 → 28/02/26
Project: Research project
COOL-KIT - Modular solutions for integration of cooling in buildings of the founders' period (Gründerzeit)
Monsberger, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Pabst, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Hochenauer, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Mach, T. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Getzinger, G. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Heinz, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Heimrath, R. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/03/23 → 28/02/26
Project: Research project
GeBeMA - Development of an overall method for the determination of microplastics in wastewater
Gruber, G. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
2/01/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Research project
FWF - Beams and shells - Potenitial-based interactions of beams and shells
Borkovic, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Research project
ÖVAS - The highway and motorway network as infrastructure for efficient public transport.
Fellendorf, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research project
CD-Laboratory for Material Development Interface Interaction Service Life Assessment
Vallazza-Grengg, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Mittermayr, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Juhart, J. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/23 → 31/12/27
Project: Research project
FWF- MuDoCo - Multi-domain comfort models
Mahdavi, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/12/22 → 30/11/25
Project: Research project