High Voltage Test Laboratory Graz Ltd. (VAH) (98890)

  • primary organisation addressShow on map


    Inffeldgasse 18 Graz


Organisation profile

Organisation profile

VAH Graz GmbH (High Voltage Test Laboratory Graz Ltd.) is a leading independent and accredited laboratory specializing in high voltage testing for electrical insulation systems and HV products up to 800 kV AC and DC including cables, bushings, instrument transformers, insulators, OHL strings and fittings. We provide high quality testing and consulting services according to the latest standards and customer requirements. VAH Graz GmbH has test laboratories of different size for high voltage testing and can also perform high voltage tests on an outdoor test area. Our clients include all major manufacturers of electrical equipment and power utilities in Europe. The laboratory is part of Graz University of Technology and located in Austria.


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