Organisation profile

Organisation profile

The Institute of Biochemistry is currently home to five independent research groups with a wide range of scientific interests: UD Dr. Karin Athenstaedt – Molecular Biology of Lipid Biosynthesis Prof. Dr. Günther Daum – Cell Biology and Biochemistry of Lipid Synthesis in the Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Prof. Dr. Albin Hermetter – Lipolysis and Lipid Oxidation in Mammalian Cells Prof. Dr. Peter Macheroux – Proteinbiochemistry and Enzymology of Flavin and Zn-dependent Enzymes Prof. Dr. Michael Murkovic – Chemistry of Functional Foods As of 2010, research funding is mainly obtained from the FWF ( (eight individual research projects, the doctoral school „Molecular Enzymology“, one special research program and one Eurocores project) as well as other sources (WTZ-Austria/Croatia and the EU). In addition to fundamental research, members of the institute are also engaged in applied projects with industrial partners in the newly founded Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB). (


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