Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 71 results
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KoMME Licht - Non-contact optical measurement of mechanical properties
1/01/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research project
PapIon - Membranes for electrochemistry based on paper and ionic liquids
1/10/23 → 30/09/26
Project: Research project
EU - VanillaFlow - Artificial Intelligence Guided Development of Vanilla-based Flow Batteries
Peharz, R., Pichler, H., Getzinger, G. & Hirn, U.
1/09/23 → 31/08/26
Project: Research project
FWF - CellStor - Carbons from all-cellulose composites for energy storage
1/04/23 → 31/03/26
Project: Research project
CircuPack - Recyclable materials for food packaging with a low environmental footprint
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research project
ReCon - Development of a resilient hook-and-loop fastening system for adaptable assembly of building components in building construction
Hirn, U., Freytag, B., Dengg, E., Popek, S., Haingartner, S., Lang-Raudaschl, M., Levak, T., Vidal Martinez, M. S., Ritonja, S. & Berlach, C.
1/11/22 → 30/04/25
Project: Research project
Porous Materials @ Work for Sustainability
Carraro, F., Stana Kleinschek, K., Rath, T., Subotić, V., Resel, R., Velasquez Hernandez, M., Emmerstorfer-Augustin, A., Linares Moreau, M. D. L. M., Nidetzky, B., Zojer, E., Sommitsch, C., Kienberger, M., Spirk, S., Amenitsch, H., Zojer, K., Schultze, M., Würschum, R., Gescheidt-Demner, G., Kargl, R., Zhong, C., Falcaro, P., Hengge, E., Steyskal, E., Borisov, S., Trimmel, G., Slugovc, C. & Wieser, S.
1/09/22 → 31/08/25
Project: Research project
Fit4Food - Strategies for Safety Evaluation of Food Contact Materials
3/01/22 → 2/01/25
Project: Research project
IonFlow - Ionic Liquids In Redox Flow Battery Membranes
Coclite, A. M., Spirk, S. & Hadley, P.
1/10/21 → 30/09/24
Project: Research project
21_EU_BreadCell - Upgrading of cellulose fibers into porous materials’ — ‘BreadCell’
Feist, F., Spirk, S., Baumann, G., Schaubeder, J. B., Bauer, W. & Wagner, M.
1/04/21 → 31/03/25
Project: Research project
LignoFracStore - Fractionation and conversion of lignin for sustainable eneryg storage
Kienberger, M., Spirk, S. & Getzinger, G.
1/04/21 → 31/03/25
Project: Research project
PapSpray - Functional Barrier Coating of Paper and Paperboard using Biopolymers
Kopacic, S., Mandlez, D., Bauer, W., Mayrhofer, A., Koch, L. & Baumann, L.
1/01/21 → 30/09/24
Project: Research project
Paper structure and printability
Dauer, M., Feirer, V., Wind, E. R., Hirn, U., Kritzinger, J. & Bauer, W.
1/01/04 → 31/12/24
Project: Research area
Ageing of Paper Using a Dynamic Simulation Model
Dessauer, G. W. C., Eichinger, R. & Stark, H.
1/03/95 → …
Project: Research project
Technology of Pulp- and Paper Production
Hirn, U., Eckhart, R. & Bauer, W.
1/01/90 → …
Project: Research area
Not started
Hair Matters - HAIR Mechanics And Temperature Transitions Evaluated for single fibeRS
1/10/24 → 31/03/25
Project: Research project
FlowBattMonitor - Simulation based monitoring of renwable flow batteries
1/03/22 → 28/02/24
Project: Research project
KoMo LiSa - Continuous lignin modification in balck liquor
1/08/21 → 30/07/24
Project: Research project
Koch, L., Mayrhofer, A., Kopacic, S., Bauer, W. & Mandlez, D.
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Research project
SMEST - Sustainable materials for sustainable energy storage
1/01/20 → 31/12/20
Project: Research project
FibreZyme - Control and Mechanisms of Enzymes on Cellulose Fibers
1/01/20 → 30/06/22
Project: Research project
Premium Tissue - Premium Tissue
Eckhart, R. & Reitbauer, J.
1/08/19 → 31/07/23
Project: Research project
KrAcid - Isolation of carboxylic acids from pulping effluents
1/09/18 → 31/08/21
Project: Research project
Stärke+ - Influence of the cooking conditions of cationic starches on their performance in the wet-end
1/08/18 → 31/07/20
Project: Research project
EU - FibreNet - A Training Network on Designing Novel Bio-based Fibre Products for Targeted Advanced Properties and New Applications
1/12/17 → 30/11/21
Project: Research project
LignoBatt - Lignin in redox-flow batteries
Wilkening, H. M. R., Gescheidt-Demner, G. & Spirk, S.
1/05/17 → 30/04/20
Project: Research project
Flippr2 - Future Lignin and Pulp Processing Research PROCESS INTEGRATION
Radl, S., Bauer, W., Kienberger, M., Scheer, S., Färber, F., Redlinger-Pohn, J. D., Neubauer, C., Schmid, T., Eckhart, R., Kopacic, S. & Mandlez, D.
1/04/17 → 31/03/21
Project: Research project
Barrierepapier - Identification of Biobased Barrier Materials for surface treatment of paper and board
Bauer, W., Leitner, E., Hochegger, A. & Kopacic, S.
1/05/16 → 30/04/19
Project: Research project
ScherZeit - Analysing the effect of shear and retention time on the dosage of retention aids under industry oriented conditions
1/01/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Research project
CD-Laboratory for Fiber Swelling and Paper Performance
Hirn, U., Lahti, J. A., Schennach, E., Fischer, W. J., Czibula, C. M., Urstöger, G. J., Ganser, C., Schuller, M., Krainer, S., Xhori, R., Spirk, S. & Niegelhell, K.
1/12/15 → 30/11/23
Project: Research project
BET - BioEnergyTrain
Bauer, W., Narodoslawsky, M. & Hasewend, B.
1/06/15 → 31/05/19
Project: Research project
DokIn Holz - Projekt P1 - Experimental Evaluation and numerical modelling of strenght properties of single fibers and fiber-fiber bonds in paper
Hirn, U., Fischer, W. J., Eckhart, R., Bauer, W. & Jajcinovic, M.
1/01/14 → 31/12/16
Project: Research project
FLIPPR - Flow Fractionation
Radl, S., Neubauer, C., Grubbauer, J., König, J., Redlinger-Pohn, J. D. & König, L. M.
1/09/13 → 31/03/17
Project: Research project
FLIPPR - Future Lignin and Pulp Processing
Jagiello, L. A., Bauer, W., Hofer, K., Schwaiger, N., Grubbauer, J., Neubauer, C., Radl, S., König, L. M., Fischer, W. J., Eckhart, R., Mayr, M., König, J., Redlinger-Pohn, J. D. & Giner Tovar, R.
1/04/13 → 31/03/17
Project: Research project
Druckqualität - Print Quality
Fuchs, W., Bauer, W., Hirn, U., Dauer, M. & Mandlez, D.
1/02/13 → 30/09/16
Project: Research project
Integrated Ecopaper - Integrated Eco Paper
Leuk, P., Schneeberger, M., Bauer, W. & Hirn, U.
1/01/12 → 31/12/14
Project: Research project
Trocknung - Reduction of energy consumption in paper drying using simulations of heat- and mass transfer
Leuk, P., Schneeberger, M. & Hirn, U.
1/02/11 → 30/04/14
Project: Research project
FWF - FiberMorph - Cross Sectional Pulp Fiber Morphology
Kontschieder, P., Kritzinger, J., Eckhart, R., Donoser, M., Lorbach, C. & Hirn, U.
1/11/10 → 31/05/14
Project: Research project
Analysis of Coating Holdout and Coating Coverage using the STRUCSCOP automated serial sectioning method
Hirn, U., Bauer, W., Hummer, B. J. & Kritzinger, J.
1/07/09 → 30/06/11
Project: Research project
Cellulose drugs - Cellulose-based carrier matrices for conrolled drug delivery
Bauer, W., Khinast, J. & Brenn, G.
1/01/09 → 31/12/10
Project: Research project
STRUCSCOP - Ermittlung und Visualisierung der 3D Mikrostruktur von Materialien und biomedizinischen Präparaten
Kritzinger, J., Donoser, M., Kontschieder, P., Schäffner, H., Bischof, H. & Bauer, W.
1/02/08 → 31/01/12
Project: Research project