VRVis Research Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization, Ltd. (98426)

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    Inffeldgasse 16 Graz


Organisation profile

Profile Information

Graz University of Technology is a scientific partner of the VRVis Research Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization. VRVis is a so-called K-plus competence center, a joint venture in Research & Development for virtual reality and visualization undertaken by five academic institutes and renowned Austrian companies. VRVis bridges the gap between scientific research and commercial development and supplies the necessary transfer of knowledge between the academic community and industry (see also www.vrvis.at). Two institutes at Graz University of Technology are involved in VRVis research projects: * The Institute of Electrical Measurement and Measurement Signal Processing. * The Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision hosts the VRVis area AR2 (application research area "Virtual Habitat"). The programme of this application research area is aimed on: a) the automatic and semi-automatic technologies enhancing the quality/cost ratio of the generation of photorealistic 3D models of virtual habitats, b) the 3D data management and visualization methods, and c) the automatic and accurate reconstruction of specimen using a new digital microscope. Keywords: City Modeling; 3D Urban Data Visualization; Advanced Digital Microscopy Subject areas: Digitale Bildverarbeitung und Graphik Co-operating partners: ABIS-Softwareentwicklung Ges.m.b.H. (Austria) Alicona Imaging GmbH (Austria) Automation X GmbH (Austria) AVL List GmbH, Graz (Austria) CURE Center for Usability Research and Engineering, Wien (Austria) Geodata (Austria) Imagination Computer Services (Austria) Institut für Computergraphik, TU Wien (Austria) Institut für Elektrische Meßtechnik und Meßsignalverarbeitung, TU Graz (Austria) Institut für Maschinelles Sehen und Darstellen, TU Graz (Austria) Mischek ZT (Austria) No Limits Informationstechnologie (Austria) ÖFAI Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Wien (Austria) TIANI Medgraph GmbH (Austria) Vega X Forschung & Entwicklung (Austria) Funded by: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation & Technologie (Austria) K-plus Kompetenzzentren Programm (Austria) TiG Technologie Impulse GmbH (Austria) Wiener Wirtschaftsförderungsfonds (Austria) Contact: leberl@icg.tu-graz.ac.at For further information please see: http://www.vrvis.at or. ........... (under construction)


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  • Creative Histories The Josefsplatz Experience

    Sormann, M. & Karner, K.


    Project: Research project

  • UltraMap

    Klaus, A., Gruber-Geymayer, B., Karner, K. & Zebedin, L.


    Project: Research project

  • 3D Modeling from Visual Information

    Zach, C., Klaus, A., Bauer, J., Sormann, M., Karner, K. & Zebedin, L.


    Project: Research project