Activities per year
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Computing in Medicine 2001. Annual Conference of the Workgroup Medical Informatics of the Austrian Computer Society. 2001, September 24, Vienna University Hospital (Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien, AKH)., Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft
Holzinger, A. (Organiser)
24 Sept 2001Activity: Participation in or organisation of › Conference or symposium (Participation in/Organisation of)
EuroPACS 2000 – 18th International EuroPACS Conference: From PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) to Internet/Intranet, Information-Systems, Multimedia and Telemedicine,, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft
Holzinger, A. (Organiser)
21 Sept 2000 → 23 Sept 2000Activity: Participation in or organisation of › Conference or symposium (Participation in/Organisation of)
MEDIDAPRIX 2000 Symposium zum Mediendidaktikpreis 2000, Leopold Franzes Universität Innsbruck
Holzinger, A. (Organiser)
19 Sept 2000 → 21 Sept 2000Activity: Participation in or organisation of › Conference or symposium (Participation in/Organisation of)
KIS 99 – Krankenhausinformationssysteme 99, Annual Conference of the Workgroup Medical Informatics of the Austrian Computer Society (HIS 99, Hospital Information Systems 99), Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft
Holzinger, A. (Organiser)
17 Sept 1999 → 19 Sept 1999Activity: Participation in or organisation of › Conference or symposium (Participation in/Organisation of)