Projects per year
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FWF - Noneqmott - Mott insulators out of equilibrium: phonons and screening
Arrigoni, E. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/09/20 → 31/03/26
Project: Research project
FWF - Nonequilibrium Ma. apr. - Nonequilibrium correlated systems: auxiliary Master approach
Arrigoni, E. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/09/14 → 31/08/19
Project: Research project
Special Research Area (SFB) "F41 Computational Materials Laboratory"
Evertz, H. G. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Arrigoni, E. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Boeri, L. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Aichhorn, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/06/10 → 30/06/19
Project: Research project
FWF - Spin-Selektiver Quantent - Spin-Selective Quantum Transport through Heterointerfaces
Arrigoni, E. (Principal Investigator (PI))
1/10/09 → 30/09/12
Project: Research project
FWF - konk Phasen i Hochtemp - Competing Phases in High-Temperature Superconductors: a theoretical investigation
Chioncel, L. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Fulterer, A. M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Aichhorn, M. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Lu, X. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Schachinger, E. (Principal Investigator (PI)), Knap, M. (Principal Investigator (PI)) & Arrigoni, E. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/07/06 → 31/07/09
Project: Research project
FWF - Korr.eff. i halb Ferrom - Correlation Effects in Half-Metallic Ferromagnets
Arrigoni, E. (Principal Investigator (PI)) & Chioncel, L. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/06 → 31/12/09
Project: Research project
Aichhorn, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Pippan, P. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Fulterer, A. M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Neuber, D. R. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Knap, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Evertz, H. G. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Michel, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), von der Linden, W. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Arrigoni, E. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Daghofer, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI))
1/01/98 → 31/12/24
Project: Research area