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MusterInd - Mustererkennung Kundenpotenziale für Industrieunternehmen
1/08/09 → 31/07/11
Project: Research project
PARSON - Passenger Registration System Based on Bluetooth and Satellite Navigation
Pfeiler, B. & Stadlober, E.
1/07/05 → 31/10/06
Project: Research project
BLIDS-2 Bluetooth Traffic DataC - Traffic measurement based on Bluetooth technology
Stadlober, E., Fallast, K., Pfeiler, B. & Fellendorf, M.
1/05/05 → 31/08/06
Project: Research project
EU - EM KAPA-GS - Statistical models for the prediction of the daily concentration of particulate matter PM10
Kurz, C., Hörmann, S., Jost, S., Stadlober, E., Uhrner, U., Pfeiler, B., Oettl, D., Eichlseder, H. & Sturm, P.
1/07/04 → 30/09/07
Project: Research project
BLIDS-1 Bluetooth Traffic - Bluetooth based Traffic Data Collection System - feasibility concept
Pfeiler, B., Hörmann, S., Stadlober, E., Fallast, K. & Gobiet, W.
1/06/04 → 31/01/06
Project: Research project
Statistical Analysis of particulate matter concentrations- Evaluation of the Emission Register Graz
Pfeiler, B. & Stadlober, E.
1/03/04 → 31/12/05
Project: Research project
Stochastic Modelling of the EEX-Spotmarket and Pricing of Swing Options
Kern, S. & Stadlober, E.
1/10/02 → 31/03/05
Project: Research project
Word Length (Distributions) in Slavic Texts. QUANTA.The Graz Project on Quantitative Text-Analysis. Research Project P15485
1/04/02 → 31/03/05
Project: Research project