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DFG - Research Burner 2419 - Development of an additively manufactured research burner for increased energy efficiency
1/10/23 → 30/09/26
Project: Research project
Flow Measuring Techniques and Multiphase Flow
Meile, W., Planchette, C., Brenn, G. & Plohl, G.
1/09/02 → 31/12/24
Project: Research area
Modelling and Numerical Simulation
Brenn, G., Steiner, H., Irrenfried, C., Baric, E. & Line, H.
1/01/95 → 31/12/24
Project: Research area
IonAs_2 - Ionic wind propulsion system for aircrafts, part 2
Amancio, S. T., Brenn, G., Bergmann, A. & Schichler, U.
1/10/21 → 30/09/22
Project: Research project
Plastic STRAW - Smart Technology for Recycling of Assorted plastic Waste
1/03/21 → 30/09/23
Project: Research project
HyPE–FC - High performance fuel cells for road, rail and boat traffic
Brenn, G., Hacker, V., Gollas, B., Haas, F., Gescheidt-Demner, G. & Grandi, M.
1/03/19 → 30/04/20
Project: Research project
FWF - Tropfenschwingungen - Experiments, numerics and analytics of droplet oscillation of a viscoelastic fluid
1/07/18 → 30/09/22
Project: Research project
Aortic Dissection
Egger, J., Pepe, A., Schmalstieg, D., Schussnig, R., von der Linden, W., Melito, G. M., Holzapfel, G., Ramalho Queiroz Pacheco, D., Jafarinia, A., Brenn, G., Ranftl, S., Müller, T. S., Gupta, I., Steinbach, O., Fries, T., Badeli, V., Hochrainer, T., Schanz, M., Rolf-Pissarczyk, M., Biro, O. & Ellermann, K.
1/01/18 → 31/12/20
Project: Research project
EmobCool - Modelling of heat transfer in cooling systems for electro-mobile applications
Steiner, H., Brenn, G. & Sufra, L.
1/12/17 → 30/11/20
Project: Research project
NANOaers - Fate of aerosolized nanoparticles: the influence of surface active substances on lung deposition and respiratory effects
Brenn, G., Hinterbichler, H. & Steiner, H.
1/05/16 → 30/04/19
Project: Research project
LiDepoWetPro - Wet clean process simulation for 450mm wafers
Brenn, G., Steiner, H. & Line, H.
21/07/14 → 20/07/17
Project: Research project
Drahtbeschichtung - Development of flow optimized die geometries for the coating of enamelled magnet wires
Steiner, H., Baric, E. & Brenn, G.
15/02/12 → 14/02/15
Project: Research project
Native - Analysis of natural ventilation concepts for residential buildings utilizing wind tunnel experiments and numerical flow simulations
Brenn, G. & Meile, W.
1/02/11 → 31/12/12
Project: Research project
Controlled Microparticles - A PAT Strategy for Microparticle Production Processes
Kiss, N. & Brenn, G.
1/11/09 → 31/05/12
Project: Research project
RoWaFlowSim - Simulations of liquid film flows with free surface on rotating silicon wafers
Prieling, D., Steiner, H. & Brenn, G.
1/04/09 → 31/03/12
Project: Research project
Cellulose drugs - Cellulose-based carrier matrices for conrolled drug delivery
Bauer, W., Khinast, J. & Brenn, G.
1/01/09 → 31/12/10
Project: Research project
Bild. v CO2-Blasen i Getränken - Study on beverage properties influences on the size of CO2 bubbles produced by degassing
Garcia-Libreros, T. & Brenn, G.
1/12/08 → 31/07/10
Project: Research project
Sprays aus viskoelast. Flüssigkeiten - Development of a technique for selection and design of nozzles for non-Newtonian spray formation
Wimmer, E. & Brenn, G.
1/12/08 → 30/11/13
Project: Research project
MIXVAL - Mixer Simulation und Validation
Kudelas, D., Meile, W. & Brenn, G.
1/08/08 → 31/07/10
Project: Research project
Windenergie - WEC - Small wind energy converters
Meile, W., Kudelas, D. & Brenn, G.
1/01/08 → 30/06/10
Project: Research project
Doctoral Program: Numerical Simulations in Technical Siences
Gamillscheg, R., CHEN, C., Walchshofer, C., Tchoualag, L., Stadler, M., Sextro, W., Beer, G., Steinbach, O., Biro, O., Steiner, H., Schanz, M., von der Linden, W. & Brenn, G.
1/10/07 → 31/12/10
Project: Research project
Aerodynamik von Kraftfahrzeuge - Automobile Aerodynamics
Brenn, G. & Meile, W.
1/08/07 → 31/01/09
Project: Research project
Energiereduktion Lackdrahtmasch - Reducing the Energy Demand of Magnet Wire Machines
Brenn, G., Czaputa, K. & Meile, W.
1/06/07 → 30/04/11
Project: Research project
Mehrphasentransport - Modelling of heat and mass transfer in multiphase-systems
Brenn, G., Fink, C. & Breitschädel, B.
15/11/06 → 30/06/09
Project: Research project
Fahrrad-Laufräder - Aerodynamic investigations on bicycle wheels
Czaputa, K., Meile, W., Brenn, G. & Kramer, T.
1/03/06 → 31/12/06
Project: Research project
Opt Wärmeüberg a gekühl Motortei - Optimisation of heat transfer in the cooling circuit of internal combustion engines with simultaneous drag reduction in the coolant flow
Ramstorfer, F., Brenn, G. & Steiner, H.
1/10/04 → 31/03/06
Project: Research project
FWF-Blasenströmgen m visko - Buoyancy-driven bubbly flows with viscoelastic liquids
Pilz, C. & Brenn, G.
1/10/04 → 30/09/07
Project: Research project
Emulsions with nanoparticles for new materials
Steiner, H., Teppner, R. & Brenn, G.
1/10/03 → 30/11/05
Project: Research project
Innovations in Magnet Wire Machines
Steiner, H., Meile, W., Czaputa, K. & Brenn, G.
1/09/03 → 31/05/07
Project: Research project
Modellierung des Wärmeübergangs - Analysis of the heat transfer for convective boiling flow over metallic surfaces
1/08/03 → 30/06/06
Project: Research project
Influences of binary drop collisions on droplet spectra
Kolobaric, V. & Brenn, G.
1/06/03 → 31/05/05
Project: Research project
Vertical Wind Tunnel - a feasibility study
Brenn, G. & Meile, W.
1/10/02 → 5/02/03
Project: Research project
Analysis of drop formation in process equipment for rotating disks
Meile, W. & Brenn, G.
1/07/02 → 31/03/03
Project: Research project
Model experiments on problems in steel casting
Meile, W. & Brenn, G.
1/06/02 → 31/01/03
Project: Research project
EU - PivNet2-A - European Collaboration on Development, Quality Assessment, and Standardization of Particle Image Velocimetry for Industrial Applications
Meile, W., Brenn, G. & Woisetschläger, J.
1/04/02 → 31/05/08
Project: Research project