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Lea Hehenberger

BSc, Dipl.-Ing.


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  • CYBATHLON BCI Series 2019 - 2nd place

    Prietl, Pascal (Recipient), Kobler, Reinmar (Recipient), Hehenberger, Lea (Recipient), Lopes Dias, Maria Catarina (Recipient), Krajnc, Aleksandra (Recipient), Müller-Putz, Gernot (Recipient), Uroko, John (Recipient), Srisrisawang, Nitikorn (Recipient), Torke, Paul Rudi (Recipient), Malin, Philipp (Recipient), Györffy, Máté (Recipient), Lazaro Garcia, Ernesto (Recipient), Dushi, Anthulla (Recipient), Tumfart, Peter (Recipient) & Hübner, Theresa (Recipient), 17 Sept 2019

    Prize: Prizes / Medals / Awards