Martin Winter
- Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials (6380) - Graz University of Technology
Christian Slugovc
- Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials (6380) - Graz University of Technology
Robert Saf
- Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials (6380) - Graz University of Technology
Margit Winkler
- ACIB – Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology (98730) - Graz University of Technology
- Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (6550) - Graz University of Technology
Tanja Wrodnigg
- Institute of Organic Chemistry (6410) - Graz University of Technology
- Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Biobased Systems (6430) - Graz University of Technology
Otto Fruhwirth
- Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials (6380) - Graz University of Technology
Bernhard Gollas
- Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials (6380) - Graz University of Technology
Gregor Trimmel
- Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials (6380) - Graz University of Technology
Stefan Freunberger
- Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials (6380) - Graz University of Technology
H. Martin R. Wilkening
- Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials (6380) - Graz University of Technology
Sergey Borisov
- Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry (6450) - Graz University of Technology
Ilie Hanzu
- Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials (6380) - Graz University of Technology
Ingo Klimant
- Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry (6450) - Graz University of Technology
- Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (6350) - Graz University of Technology
- Institute of Biochemistry (6480) - Graz University of Technology
Giovanni Appetecchi
- ENEA Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
External person
Simon Lux
External person
Masahiro Takehara
External person
Holger Althues
External person
Makoto Ue
External person
Bastian Harum
External person
Benjamin Schumm
External person
M. Ue
External person
L. Hutter
External person
Thomas Griesser
- Montanuniversität Leoben, Lehrstuhl für Chemie der Kunststoffe
- Montanuniversität Leoben
External person
G.B. Appetecchi
- ENEA Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
External person
Alexandra Helmer
External person
Nadezda Matsko
External person
Giovanni B. Appetecchi
- ENEA Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
External person
Jan Brückner
External person
Sören Thieme
External person
M. Takehara
External person
Gernot Nuss
External person
Andreas Meier
External person
Ingolf Bauer
External person
Jonas Pampel
External person
Martin R. Kulterer
- University of Graz
- European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training
External person
Fabian Pawlitzek
External person
Jörg Kaspar
External person