6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Peter Roth with the persons below:
Peter Mohr-Ziak
- Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision (7100) - Graz University of Technology
Bernhard Geiger
- Institute of Signal Processing and Speech Communication (4420) - Graz University of Technology
Volker Settgast
- Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualisation (7110) - Graz University of Technology
- Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH – Visual Computing Portfolio (98624) - Graz University of Technology
Sven Havemann
- Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualisation (7110) - Graz University of Technology
Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner
- Institute of Software Technology (7160) - Graz University of Technology
Michael Cik
- Institute of Highway Engineering and Transport Planning (2090) - Graz University of Technology
- Institute of Urban Water Management and Landscape Water Engineering (2150) - Graz University of Technology