Projects per year
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EU - FlashPhos - Complete thermochemical recysling of sewage sludge
Hochenauer, C. & Prieler, R. J.
1/05/21 → 30/04/25
Project: Research project
Multizyklon - Evaluation of a multicyclone and development of a multicyclone mask
Prieler, R. J., Subotić, V. & Rieberer, R.
1/02/21 → 31/10/24
Project: Research project
AIrcraft - Increasing the efficiency of the Environmental Control System (ECS) through AI-assisted control
Wagner, P., Prieler, R. J. & Rieberer, R.
1/08/21 → 31/07/22
Project: Research project
KlinWT - Artificial intelligence in thermal engineering
Horn, M., Steinbauer-Wagner, G., Prieler, R. J., Hochenauer, C. & Rieberer, R.
1/04/21 → 31/03/22
Project: Research project
InduHeat - Process and energy optimization using induction for curing the corrosion protection layer in the automotive industry
Hochenauer, C. & Prieler, R. J.
1/03/21 → 28/02/24
Project: Research project
Num_Sim_Verrundung 3 - Creation of optimal furnace concepts for the rounding of particles from glass and mineral raw materials
Hochenauer, C. & Prieler, R. J.
1/06/20 → 31/05/23
Project: Research project
Num_Sim_Furnace 2 - Numerical simulation of the thermal / mechanical behavior of components under "Standard Fire Conditions" after lso 834
Hochenauer, C. & Prieler, R. J.
1/07/19 → 30/06/22
Project: Research project
HighTemp-LBM - Simulation of heat transfer processes in high-temperature processes and porous media using the lattice Boltzmann method
Hochenauer, C. & Prieler, R. J.
1/04/19 → 30/06/22
Project: Research project
Furnace control - Furnace control by combined algorithms
Hochenauer, C., Prieler, R. J., Scharler, R. & Anca-Couce, A.
1/04/19 → 30/03/22
Project: Research project
Num_Sim_Verrundung 2 - Optimization and emissions reduction for rounding processes of glass particles
Hochenauer, C., Scharler, R., Anca-Couce, A. & Prieler, R. J.
1/03/19 → 29/02/20
Project: Research project
Biomass4Power_and_Heat_2 - Evaluation of the gasification process and development of a cocurrent fixed bed gasifier for standard and alternative fuel operation
Hochenauer, C., Scharler, R., Prieler, R. J., Anca-Couce, A. & Zachl, A. M.
1/01/19 → 31/12/23
Project: Research project
Wiedererwärmungsofen - CFD simulation of a reheating furnace
Hochenauer, C. & Prieler, R. J.
1/01/19 → 31/05/19
Project: Research project
Brandversuche - CFD simulation of a furnace for fire tests
Hochenauer, C., Prieler, R. J., Anca-Couce, A. & Scharler, R.
12/11/18 → 12/05/19
Project: Research project
ClimCha - Clima Chamber Development
Hochenauer, C. & Prieler, R. J.
1/08/18 → 31/03/19
Project: Research project
Bicar-Reaktor - Multiphase stationary CFD simulations
Hochenauer, C., Prieler, R. J. & Anca-Couce, A.
1/07/18 → 30/09/18
Project: Research project
Swim_Coll - Numerical Simulation of a swimming PV module
Hochenauer, C., Scharler, R. & Prieler, R. J.
1/11/17 → 30/11/18
Project: Research project
Rohrkühlung - Tube Cooling
Hochenauer, C., Prieler, R. J. & Scharler, R.
1/07/17 → 31/03/19
Project: Research project
Steri_Opt - CFD Simulation Sterilization Process
Hochenauer, C., Prieler, R. J., Scharler, R. & Subotić, V.
1/03/17 → 28/02/20
Project: Research project
O2_Process_opt - Process optimization
Hochenauer, C., Scharler, R. & Prieler, R. J.
1/10/16 → 30/09/21
Project: Research project
Num_Sim_Furnace - Numerical Simulation of a furnace
Hochenauer, C. & Prieler, R. J.
1/03/16 → 28/02/19
Project: Research project
Num_Sim_Verrundung - rounding off of glasses, mineral raw materials and secondary materials
Hochenauer, C., Scharler, R. & Prieler, R. J.
1/02/16 → 31/01/19
Project: Research project
steam_sterilizer_3 - Optimization of Steam Sterilizers
Hochenauer, C. & Prieler, R. J.
1/02/15 → 31/01/18
Project: Research project