Marshall Plan Scholarship

  • XIA, Wenmin (Recipient)

Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively


Funded by the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, an academic exchange program was established to finance scholarships and fellowships for academic exchange between Austria and the U.S. with a special focus on universities of applied sciences and technical universities ('Fachhochschulen und Technische Universitäten’).
Since funding is always an obstacle, the Marshall Plan Foundation offers up to 1,000 scholarships for American and Austrian students for the academic years 2008 to 2017. The funding will be up to € 10.000,- (at a minimum of € 3.000,-) for at least three months.
The Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation invites U.S. and Austrian universities of applied sciences and technical universities to take part in this program and nominate their students or students from partner institutions who are interested in doing academic research abroad.
The program is focused primarily on research in the field of technical sciences. Participants will be asked to hand in a research paper or documentary report of their research work.
It is the Foundation’s goal to see more Austrians and Americans participate in exchange programs, thereby increasing mutual understanding and image.
Degree of recognitionNational
Granting OrganisationsAustrian Marshall Plan Foundation

Austrian Fields of Study 2012 (6-stellig)

  • 106023 Molecular biology
