AI4DI - Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry

Project: Research project

Project Details


In the area of digital transformation, when Flexibility in manufacturing of complex products becomes the key competitive advantage, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the accepted method to drive the digitalization for the transformation of the industry and their industrial prod-ucts. These products with highest complexity based on multi-dimensional requirements need flexible and adaptive manufacturing lines as well as flexible com-ponents. One of the examples is the automotive indus-try and the products based on high semiconductor con-tent for functional integration, such as highly auto-mated cars, aircrafts, and also the related industrial and manufacturing itself. This change will enable new in-novative industrial and manufacturing models. New process management approaches emerge with the use of data science as a core strategy in the organization and management of these networking manufacturing sites. With deterministic data, the classical approach performs best. However, when only empirical data are available, AI be-comes the option of choice, especially in networking manufacturing sites which are typical in the semiconductor manufacturing and the novel ISLAND approach of the automotive industry away from the linear production with less potential for further flexibility and faster response times.
Effective start/end date1/05/1931/05/22


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