Augmented Reality (AR) research aims at developing new human computer interfaces. Instead of showing information on isolated displays, it puts data right where it belongs: into the real world. AR thereby blurs the distinction between the real world and the user interface and combines them in a natural way allowing the creation of simple and intuitive user interfaces even for complex applications.
A problem with many Augmented Reality systems is the highly complex hardware setup, often including expensive commercial sensors, input devices and output devices. These devices are often bulky and fragile, since they were never meant to be operated by untrained users.
Recent research results of the project owner have shown that Augmented Reality is possible on mobile phones, which rapidly created a strong interest from commercial sides. It is the aim of this Christian Doppler Laboratory to develop methods for
- real-time computer vision on mobile phone
- higher quality compositing techniques for improves visual coherence
- new 3D interaction methods with AR-phones
- a distributed infrastructure based on Web 2.0 techniques for scalable creation, distribution and consumption of geo-referenced AR applications