CDSM for CSES II - Participation in the Second China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite Mission with the Coupled Dark State Magnetometer

Project: Research project

Project Details


The China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellites (CSES) are scientific missions dedicated to the investigation and monitoring of variations of electromagnetic fields and waves as well as plasma parameters and particle fluxes in the near-Earth space which are induced by natural sources on ground like seismic and volcanic events. The second CSES satellite (CSES 2) is scheduled for launch in March 2021. It will have a similar Sun-synchronous circular low Earth orbit but with a longitudinal difference of 90° relative to CSES 1. The combined observations of both satellites will double the detection probability of natural hazard-related events and will help to separate seismic from non-seismic events. This project aims for the successful operation of the scalar magnetometer on-board CSES 2. The instrument is planned to be nearly identical to the one aboard CSES 1. Only the sensor design will be taken from the instrument which is developed for the European mission to Jupiter. The updated sensor provides improved performance and represents a logical next step in the development flow of this novel instrument. The project comprises three main work packages: a) qualification of the updated sensor design and procurement of the missing space qualified components, b) manufacturing and test of the flight and an additional spare model with a delivery of the flight model to China in March 2020 and c) commissioning of the instrument in space after launch. In parallel, the tools for the scientific work at IWF will be further enhanced so that they fit the data processing demands of the new dual-spacecraft constellation.
Effective start/end date1/10/1931/10/23


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