E-learning shall be understood as a communication platform for and between students, teachers and the school. The individual contact between students and teachers is in educational institutions an important pedagogical element and a precondition for the successful use of various teaching and training methods. In the course of this project at the TU Graz solutions for interactive communication processes within the framework of lectures and exercises such as chat, emails, online-forum, memo- and question-options as well as for the administration tasks are developed. The process of acceptance, realisation and utilization by students and teachers is analysed in independent working groups.
An adequate design, high quality of graphics, simulations and interactive components and a high degree of usability and stability are the most important basis to motivate the students. A specially developed and designed layout for e-scripts as a frame for multi-media based, interactive modules allows a multiple use in lessons, online and offline self-study at the monitor as well as for CD-ROMs or printed scripts. The ongoing project shows a way to meet the new didactic challenges at universities and in the field of adult education. Finally, the international exchange of single elaborate and expensive interactive multimedia objects (animations, simulations, videos, flash and animated films) are a further intention of the e-learning projects at the TUG to reach the necessary efficiency. not assigned GG: Firmen