EU - CHIC - Chicory as a multipurpose crop for dietary fibre and medicinal terpenes

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Chicory Innovation Consortium’s (CHIC) twofold objective is to (i) explore new plant breeding techniques (NPBTs) in chicory for the production of production of immunomodulatory inulin and medicinal terpenes - products with clear benefits for consumers - and ii) to co-develop with stakeholders sustainable innovation pathways for NPBTs. For pursuing this goal the project will evaluate in parallel the value of four different NPBTs (tilling, gene editing using CRISPR/Cas9 for genomic insertion and transient expression, and cisgenesis) with respect to their technical and economic potential, health, and environmental risks, and socio-economic impacts. During the project period the regulatory framework in the EU is likely to be clarified resulting in some NPBTs being considered and regulated as genetically modified plants and others which would not be covered by this legislation. In line with the principles of responsible research and innovation (RRI) project activities will involve stakeholders during the entire R&D process and results will be communicated to interested publics involving also activities by artists. Die TU Graz is WP leader for developing and implementing the RRI-type project design, in particular for the stakeholder engagement. On top TU Graz will conduct analyses of policies relevant to and of possible social impacts of the cultivation of GE chicory.
Effective start/end date1/01/1831/12/22

Austrian Fields of Study 2012 (6-stellig)

  • 211917 Technology assessment


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