EU - MODULUSHCA - Modular Logistics Units in Shared Co-modal Networks

Project: Research project

Project Details


The objective of Modulushca is to achieve the first genuine contribution to the development of interconnected logistics at the European level, in close coordination with North American partners and the international Physical Internet Initiative. The goal of the project is to enable operating with developed iso-modular logistics units of sizes adequate for real modal and co-modal flows of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), providing a basis for an interconnected logistics system for 2030. Modulushca integrates five interrelated working fields: (1) developing a vision addressing the user needs for interconnected logistics in the FMCG domain, (2) the development of a set of exchangeable (ISO) modular logistics units providing a building block of smaller units, (3) establishing digital interconnectivity of the units, (4) development of an interconnected logistics operations platform leading to a significant reduction in costs and CO2 emissions that will be (5) demonstrated in two implementation pilots for interconnected solutions. Modulushca will establish a robust and replicable methodology to develop and evaluate solutions for interconnected logistics looking at other elements of the supply chain. Two implementation pilots will be executed integrating key Modulushca developments in significantly different supply chains: (1) a closed pilot evaluating the benefits on a inter-site supply chain addressing handling and transportation of iso-modular logistics units within one company, and (2) an open network pilot will evaluate the impact of iso-modular logistics units in cross docking and transshipment processes. Modulushca efforts will lead to the development of a road map towards a fully interconnected logistics system in 2030. The road map will address the changes and necessary steps to change the logistics system gradually, exploiting progresses in digital, physical and operational interconnectivity, building on current players, assets and infrastructures.
Effective start/end date1/12/1230/09/15


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