FFG MANEUVER - Entwicklung von MAssnahmen zur Vermeidung von FehlverhalteN an EisenbahnkreUzungen mit Hilfe der VERkehrspsychologie

Project: Research project

Project Details


The objective of the project is to develop cost-effective measures (education, awareness- raising, roadside infrastructure) with the help of experts and road traffic participants to reduce misdemeanour at level crossings. Traffic psychological research methods will be adopted. A systematic overview of misdemeanour and its causes (depending on the level crossing safety system) is the basis for the development and evaluation of safety measures in expert panels and focus groups. The result of the project is an Austrian-specific manual with validated measures. In addition, a performance profile for a mobile detection tool is developed to measure misdemeanour on specific level crossings.
Effective start/end date1/02/1231/05/13


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