flex!pv.at - Module concepts and production technologies for high-efficiency PV modules based on flexible emergent cell

Project: Research project

Project Details


New emergent PV-technologies based on organic, hybrid or inorganic absorbers represent a promising high potential photovoltaic technology with USPs for the PV-Market. Hence, it is the goal of flexPV.at to realize the future industrial production based on the laboratory scale processes via trans-technological and interdisciplinary development of materials, cell-, module- and coating- technology.
Effective start/end date1/04/1331/12/15


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  • 13. Österreichische Photovoltaik-Tagung

    Kopacic, I. (Participant)

    5 Oct 20157 Oct 2015

    Activity: Participation in or organisation ofConference or symposium (Participation in/Organisation of)

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    Kopacic, I. (Participant)

    19 Nov 2015

    Activity: Participation in or organisation ofWorkshop, seminar or course (Participation in/Organisation of)