FTG-S13 Online Road Adhesion Coefficient Estimator

Project: Research project

Project Details


General objective: this project is to develop a robust method to identify the friction between tire and road during driving and to evaluate its potential to improve existing driver assistance systems and active safety. Specific objectives: (1) To design an estimator utilizing comprehensive estimation strategies, e.g. in steering conditions the relation between slip angle and lateral force can be mainly made full use of, while in straight driving the relation between slip ratio and normalized longitudinal tire force can be applied to better estimate the maximum road adhesion coefficient. (2) to develop the brand new estimator with reliability and robustness in real-time; (3) to prove validation of the estimator in different maneuvers and different road conditions on road test; (4) to determine the difference between normalized tire force and maximum road adhesion coefficient to better conduct existing driver assistance systems and active safety control;
Effective start/end date6/10/141/10/18


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  • ÖVK-Vortrag

    Lex, C. (Speaker)

    27 Jan 2016

    Activity: Talk or presentationTalk at conference or symposiumScience to science