FWF - Bekämpfung von Rhizoctonia - New approaches to suppress Rhizoctonia solani

Project: Research project

Project Details


Rhizoctonia solani KÜHN is one of the most important soil-borne pathogens responsible for diseases on more than 500 host plants including many economically important crops worldwide. For example, against late sugar beet rot caused by R. solani no efficient control strategies are currently available. Preliminary studies have shown that it is possible to suppress the pathogen using antagonistic bacteria as well as fungi. However, inconsistent results under field conditions are one reason that translations into practical approaches failed. The objective of this project is to develop an optimal combination of antagonistic microorganisms on the basis of already evaluated endophytic bacteria and Trichoderma strains to suppress the pathogen on sugar beet. The use of biocontrol agents with different modes of action and ecological behaviours should minimize the problems under field conditions. Furthermore, we will analyze the microbial interaction in vitro and ad planta as well as the biocontrol effect in pot and field experiments using new molecular tools to develop an optimal biocontrol strategy.
Effective start/end date8/01/077/06/10


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