High-Temperature superconducting materials (HTSC) are characterized by strong electronic correlations, which are
responsible for a number of fascinating anomalous physical properties. Depending on temperature and doping, these materials show long-range ordered phases as well as regions of strong but short-range fluctuations. It is the central aim of the present theory project to achieve a significantly improved microscopic understanding of the HTSC and, in particular, of the doping dependence of their phase diagram, focusing on the question "what is of general relevance" and "what is more material-specific". In this project we plan to apply and to further develop two cluster methods in order to evaluate thermodynamic properties, phase boundaries, and excitation spectra of common model systems for the HTSC (one- and three-band Hubbard models).This project should be carried out in close contact with the newly established (DFG) Research Unit "Doping dependence of phase transitions and ordering phenomena in copper-oxide superconductors", and the results obtained within the present project should be compared with experimental results of the other groups (inelastic neutron scattering, angle-resolved
photoemission-, tunneling-, and Raman-spectroscopy). Some of the many questions related to the physics of HTSC should be addressed in the present project: (i) the competition between long-range ordered phases as well as the effects of short-range fluctuations, (ii) the nature of the so-called pseudogap: is it different in electron-doped materials?, (iii) the phase diagram and the symmetry of the order parameter in electron-doped compounds, (iv) the role of phonons in HTSC, and (v) the anomalous behavior of the optical conductivity. With the help of the coordinated cooperation with the experimental groups of the Research Unit we expect to understand the global phase diagram of HTSC in the hole- and in the electron-doped compounds on the basis of a unifying picture of a doped Mott insulator.