FWF - Neue KI - A Novel Computational Workflow for Argumentation in AI

Project: Research project

Project Details


The project will establish the scientific foundations leading to a required shift of research directions in computational argumentation in AI. Preliminary research revealed that the currently prevalent approach to computation in argumentation faces serious computational issues and acts as a barrier to reaching maturity in the field. The current conceptual workflow in argumentation establishes how to argue rationally given certain knowledge and assumptions. However, when applied to computation---the vast majority of research on computational argumentation follows the conceptual workflow---both theoretical and empirical results show that an integral component of the conceptual workflow, that of explication of arguments, sets up a significant barrier in terms of redundancy, scalability, and complexity of argumentative explanations. Plans are made to study and develope a computational workflow, which draws its strengths from the conceptual workflow---in order to reason rationally---but avoids computational pitfalls regarding scalability and efficiency.
Effective start/end date1/09/2231/08/25

Austrian Fields of Study 2012 (6-stellig)

  • 102001 Artificial intelligence


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